Executive board

The Romanian National Society of Family Doctors is ruled by the Senate and the Executive Board

The Senate is formed by delegates from each county organization which is a member of the National Society.

The Executive Board is elected for a 4 year mandate.

Biroul executiv SNMF – Mandat 2022-2026:
Președinte: Dr. Dina Mergeani
Dina Mergeani
Vicepresedinți: Dr. Răzvan Florentin Miftode
Dr. Răzvan Miftode, secretar SNMF
Dr. Carmen-Adriana Dogaru
Dr. Gindrovel Gheorghe Dumitra
Dr. Mihai Sorin Iacob
Dr. Daciana Ioana Toma
Dr. Daciana Toma, trezorier SNMF
Secretari: Dr. Csongor Toth
Dr. Remus Sebastian Șipoș
Trezorier: Dr. Mihaela Nastasa