
WONCA Europe  WONCA World

WONCA member since 1994.

Royal College of General Practitioners     

On June 29th 2010 RCGP, SNMF/MG and SMR-UK signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Download Memorandum.

Dr. Rodica Tănăsescu, reprezentant Consiliul WONCA Europe Reprezentantul României în Consiliul WONCA Europe este Dr Răzvan Miftode.

WONCA Europe Council Agenda Topic 2009
WONCA Europe Council Agenda Topic 2010
WONCA Europe Council Agenda Topic 2011
WONCA Europe Council Agenda Topic 2012
WONCA Europe Council Country Report 2013
WONCA Europe Council Agenda Topic 2014
WONCA Europe Council Country Report 2014

Romanian representatives in Wonca Europe Networks and Collaborative Organizations

Dr. Răzvan Miftode, reprezentant EURACT Dr Răzvan Miftode
European Academy of Teachers in General Practice

Raport Consiliu EURACT toamna 2016
Dr Loredana Piloff
European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice

Raport Consiliu și conferința EQuiP primăvara 2017
Dr Andreea Stoica 
Vasco da Gama Movement (Young and Future GPs)
VdGM Activitate Vasco da Gama
Dr Gindrovel Dumitra
European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association (IAB)